This page is the central index of proposed changes to the I2P specifications.

To submit a proposal, post it on the development forum or enter a ticket with the proposal attached.

Number Title Last updated Status Link
1 The I2P Proposal Process Meta HTML | TXT
142 New Encryption Proposal Template Meta HTML | TXT
109 PT Transport Open HTML | TXT
123 New netDB Entries Open HTML | TXT
124 Reset Message for ElGamal/AES+SessionTags Open HTML | TXT
125 OBEP Delivery to 1-of-N or N-of-N Tunnels Open HTML | TXT
130 Blocklist in SU3 Format Open HTML | TXT
134 GOST Sig Type Open HTML | TXT
135 Authenticated Address Helpers Open HTML | TXT
136 Floodfill Support for Experimental Sig Types Open HTML | TXT
137 Floodfill Support for Optional Sig Types Open HTML | TXT
138 Match OBEPs with IBGWs Open HTML | TXT
139 I2P Mime Types Open HTML | TXT
140 Invisible Multihoming Open HTML | TXT
145 ECIES-P256 Open HTML | TXT
148 RedDSA-BLAKE2b-Ed25519 Open HTML | TXT
150 Garlic Farm Protocol Open HTML | TXT
151 ECDSA key blinding Open HTML | TXT
153 ChaCha Tunnel Layer Encryption Open HTML | TXT
160 UDP Trackers Open HTML | TXT
161 RI and Destination Padding Open HTML | TXT
162 Congestion Caps Open HTML | TXT
163 Datagram2 Protocol Open HTML | TXT
165 I2P proposal #165: SSU2 fix Open HTML | TXT
166 I2P proposal #166: Identity/Host Aware Tunnel Types Open HTML | TXT
167 Service Records in LS2 Open HTML | TXT
104 TLS Transport Draft HTML | TXT
108 Multipath TCP for Streaming Draft HTML | TXT
117 Opt-in Statistics Collection Draft HTML | TXT
128 Quasi DNS Draft HTML | TXT
131 Dormant Fee for Addressbook Entries Draft HTML | TXT
132 Ports Range in Routerinfo Draft HTML | TXT
114 'Encrypted' Streaming Flag Needs-Research HTML | TXT
115 Batch Multiple Data Cloves in Garlic Needs-Research HTML | TXT
116 Prefer Nearby Routers in Keyspace Needs-Research HTML | TXT
119 Bidirectional Tunnels Needs-Research HTML | TXT
101 Multicast Dead HTML | TXT
103 Bigger I2NP Messages Dead HTML | TXT
105 Name Translation for GarliCat Dead HTML | TXT
107 BEP9 Information Recovery Dead HTML | TXT
100 Restricted Routes Reserve HTML | TXT
111 NTCP 2 Closed HTML | TXT
112 Addressbook Subscription Feed Commands Closed HTML | TXT
113 LeaseSet Key Persistence Closed HTML | TXT
126 IPv6 Peer Testing Closed HTML | TXT
127 Increase IPv6 MTU Closed HTML | TXT
129 Blocklist in News Feed Closed HTML | TXT
133 Introducer Expiration Closed HTML | TXT
141 Deprecate hostnames in router addresses Closed HTML | TXT
144 ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet Closed HTML | TXT
146 Red25519 signature scheme Closed HTML | TXT
147 Transport Network ID Check Closed HTML | TXT
149 B32 for Encrypted LS2 Closed HTML | TXT
152 ECIES Tunnels Closed HTML | TXT
154 Database Lookups from ECIES Destinations Closed HTML | TXT
155 Streaming MTU for ECIES Destinations Closed HTML | TXT
156 ECIES Routers Closed HTML | TXT
157 Smaller Tunnel Build Messages Closed HTML | TXT
158 IPv6 Transport Enhancements Closed HTML | TXT
159 SSU2 Closed HTML | TXT
164 Streaming Updates Closed HTML | TXT
168 Tunnel Bandwidth Parameters Closed HTML | TXT
102 Service Directory Rejected HTML | TXT
106 NTCP Obfuscation Rejected HTML | TXT
110 LeaseSet 2 Rejected HTML | TXT
118 I2PControl API 2 Rejected HTML | TXT
120 Meta-LeaseSet for Multihoming Rejected HTML | TXT
121 Encrypted LeaseSet Rejected HTML | TXT
122 Service Lookup Rejected HTML | TXT
143 Tunnel Build Message Options Rejected HTML | TXT